Let's celebrate the 10 years of our high school mission trip to New Mexico during this Jubilee Year! Our high school students and adults will be Pilgrims of Hope as we minister to the families and children at St. Joseph Catholic Mission in Laguna, New Mexico. We will host True North: Vacation Bible School (pre-K through 5th grade) and complete service projects around the community. We will also visit Holy Sites for this Jubilee Year! The work we do is important, but the relationships we build are the purpose for our trip.
The anticipated cost per student this year is $550. This includes a $50 deposit which is due at time of registration. Parents: please pay the deposit and complete the Archdiocese medical release and liability form.
Fundraising will help offset the costs for our students and it is expected each young person will fully participate in our fundraising efforts. We have multiple ways to do this:
EYM Mission Trip Vision
Epiphany Youth Ministry (EYM) mission trips exist to spread the Gospel message to communities in need. Our young people grow in faith, hope and charity through a week long immersion of Catholic Social Teaching. Students experience the Sacraments, Corporal Works of Mercy, and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Our mission trips encourage students to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.