Some of our Epiphany parishioners are the most generous Catholics to God’s church. That’s not surprising since gift-giving is our parish charism, being named after the Epiphany of the Lord, who received his first gifts from the Wise Men, the original gift-bearers to Christ. Through the years, the Church has given us, her children, many opportunities to learn how to be generous in the many gifts God has entrusted to us. We are all called to share these gifts in justice and love, and so complete what God started when He placed the seed of charity in our heart.
What do you want your legacy of charity to be? Part of our responsibility as stewards of God’s gifts includes what is sometimes referred to as our “final act of stewardship” – the creation of our estate plan. Your estate plan is part of your legacy, enabling you to use those gifts that have been given to you to provide for your loved ones in the future. We also have the opportunity to make a final expression of our gratitude to God by making a gift to the Church that strengthens our parish for future generations. In the Gospel reading last Sunday, we were reminded in Jesus’ Parable that heaven is the eternal wedding banquet of the Son of God, and we know that the invited guests never come to the wedding empty handed. We should make a legacy gift of charity to the Lord and His Bride, the Church.
Next month, our parish will launch the Epiphany Legacy Foundation. Our newly formed Legacy Committee, made up of Epiphany parishioners, will offer presentations in the month of November to show how you can make a Magi Legacy Gift to our parish by a bequest or as a beneficiary designation as part of your estate planning. Every family is invited to one of our Epiphany Legacy Foundation meetings November 8th at 10:00am or November 15th at 6:30pm to learn more about how to make a future Legacy Gift from your family to your church.
You can also learn more about the Epiphany Legacy Foundation at our parish website and in the bulletin coming weeks. When the Magi arrived at the stable and saw Mary and her Child, they immediately fell prostrate, and then opened up their treasures to offer the Lord frankincense, gold and myrrh, gifts fit for a King. That was the original Epiphany Magi’s legacy gifts. What will be your Magi Legacy Gift? In this upcoming season of giving, join the Epiphany Legacy Foundation by making a Magi Legacy Gift to the Lord.