If you find your student or yourself saying these words, there are lots of things for you to do around Epiphany and in the community! Here are a few suggestions. For those of you needing service hours for school organizations, a lot of times these activities will count!
Participate in Class Service Projects: There's always something going on in faith formation classes! Our two main projects are a medication and gift drive for Breath of Life Children's Clinic at Christmastime and participation in Operation Rice Bowl during Lent. We also help with many service projects grade school faith formation does and anything that Outreach may ask for during the year. Watch for info!
Be a Youth Usher: The ushers at the 5:30 p.m. Masses on Saturdays and Sundays are all young people working with an adult mentor. You're at Mass anyway so why not help out! For more information, contact the Parish Office.
Be an Altar Server: Here's an opportunity to have a more active role at Mass! Training is done several times a year and you can serve at whichever Mass you normally attend. For more information, contact the Parish Office.
Be a part of the Music Ministry: Is making music your special gift? If you'd like to share your talent for playing an instrument or singing with the community during Mass, contact the Parish office.
Help with Grade School Faith Formation or Sacrament Preparation Classes: Sometimes there are opportunities to help with classes or projects for grade-school-aged kids. If this would interest you, contact the Faith Formation Office at 281-578-8271.
Help with Vacation Bible School (VBS) Weekin the summer: It takes lots of volunteers to make VBS a fun, safe week for the grade school kids. Come be part of that team! Watch for sign-up oppotunities in the spring.
Participate in Outreach Ministries with your family: Check the website or read the Sunday bulletin to see what's going on in the Outreach Department at Epiphany. They're busy people! Ideas include donating to the food drive every month, helping to provide Christmas gifts during the holiday season, providing food where there's a need, and being a part of any emergency collections we do.