Mission Statement: Epiphany Ladies Club is a social, service and spiritual organization. It exists to
promote Christian fellowship through social gatherings and to encourage the
involvement of women in our parish and our community. Fundraisers provide
modest financial support to our parish and to the needs of the community.
Our Focus: Our focus is to welcome all ladies from our community and to encourage friendships
by providing a variety of service and social activities. Some of the ways this is
achieved is by the following:
Our monthly meetings are usually held on the second Friday from September through May. These meetings have a variety of different programs scheduled and refreshments are served.
A monthly newsletter is sent to all members
Participating in the annual Frosty Fest Bake Sale
Donating a hand-made quilt for raffle by Epiphany Youth Group
Constructing Baptismal Bibs for our newest parish members
Sponsoring an annual Charity Luncheon (or Brunch) and/or Fashion Show
Organizing monthly luncheons and day trips
Organizing other weekly and monthly activities such as Book Club, Cooking Favorites, Couples Club, Knitting Group, and Outreach Activities to name a few. We are always open to more suggestions and activities that fit the needs of our ladies.
For more information and to join, please send an email to: [email protected]