A team is comprised of five to seven couples from all stages of life (newly married, child rearing, and empty-nesters) whose marriage is recognized in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
The team meets once per month, rotating from one home to another. They share a simple meal, prayer, scriptural reflections with a study topic, and endeavors. Although Teams is not a parish-based, it is advisable for couples to live in the same geographic vicinity.
The Blessed Mother is the Patroness of the Movement. Her canticle of joy, the Magnificat, is prayed daily with fellow Team members worldwide. Teams of Our Lady is a movement of Christian Marriage Spirituality, which brings together couples united by the Sacrament of Matrimony, and who wish to deepen the graces of their Sacrament together.
"Teams of Our Lady have as their essential aim, to help couples strive after holiness—no more, no less,” (Rev.. Henri Caffarel, founder of the Teams of Our Lady).
If you are interested and/or have any questions, please fill out the form below!
For more information, feel free to view this short video of a Cypress, Tx couple providing atestimony of their life in Teams.
If you and your spouse are ready to be formed in a Team, please fill out this Google Doc, and a Teams sector representative will be in contact with you.